Freelance writing jobs in Philippines

Register Now to Start Earning!

How to start?

  • Enter e-mailStep 1 — 1 min
  • Fill out your CVStep 2 — 5 min
  • Sample essayStep 3 — max 1 hour

The benefits you enjoy working as a freelance writer:

  • No registration fees
  • High wages
  • Working from home
  • Orders in the sphere of your interest
  • 24/7 available support team
  • Payments always on time
  • Manage your time and workload yourself

Freelance writing jobs at UvoCorp

Top-notch freelance writing jobs company in Philippines — Welcome!

Popular writing disciplines

  • Biology (and other Life Sciences)
  • Chemistry
  • Composition
  • Engineering
  • Family and consumer science
  • Film & Theater studies
  • Human Resources Management (HRM)

Writers Earned (Feb-Apr 2013):

Writer ID Earned Orders completed
ENL category Writer ID 34**5 $ 3651 earned 34 orders completed (202 pages)
Writer ID 34**7 $ 4137 earned 46 orders completed (238 pages)
ESL category Writer ID 5**5 $ 2016 earned 28 orders completed (227 pages)
Writer ID 28**0 $ 3135 earned 58 orders completed (359 pages)

Get Paid To Write

Just the mere fact that you are reading from this website illustrates your interest to make money writing online. When the idea to work online and make some cash is presented to some individuals, their immediate reaction is to get suspicious, and for all the right reasons. It is true that many companies exist that make good promises to people interested in writing for money online, but upon writing for these companies, the promises to pay for the services rendered are never fulfilled. There have been complaints, from some online writers, about a number of online companies that lead writers to write several orders for them, but when the time for payment comes, the companies begin cooking up bogus excuses so as not to pay the writers. When a writer insists that he be paid, they block that writer from the system. It is also true that there are many companies that give false hopes to people who are interested in writing for money, and as much as these companies give the whole online writing business a bad name, there are companies, such as this one, that give genuine opportunities to writers who have the desire to write for money. This company has been in existence for more than a decade, and it does not take a miracle to be successful and to exist for such a long time. The most important thing that it takes is honesty and trust.

Once you successfully join this company and become one of the thousands of specialized writers that students all over the world depend on to enable them success in their education, this company will never fail to get you paid to write. Since this is an online company, the company trusts you, the writer, to do your work well and meet the requirements that have been sent to you by the customer. In return, the company pays you on time, so that you can develop the trust to always receive your dues and have the motivation to work more for the company. Additionally, the reason why clients keep sending orders to this company and keep returning for more services is because they, the clients, have developed a lot of trust in the brand name of this company over time, and they trust the company to always fulfill its obligations. Working here is, therefore, a three-way trust and honesty relationship.

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